Thursday, February 4

Off to Thailand!

I resent Tripp making fun of my Amazing Race. Mysteriously he had a sprained foot so he could not compete. Probably was afraid to be beat by a girl. (Liza, ovbiously, not me.) Just kidding, he does have a pretty nasty sprain from playing pickup ball last Sunday. It was a purplish black color all week until it drifted down into his toes. Then the bruising went away but the swollen cankle remained. Picture to follow when I am not blogging from the office (the kid’s computer area at my kindergarten).

I’ve got a few things to note related to my school—one is that parent/teacher conferences were last week. I literally read my Kindle (an amazing gift if you are in the market needing a gift for a voracious reader) the ENTIRE day. No parent could really communicate with me.

The day before that, we tested out the fire alarm. Usually whenever a fire alarm goes off, even in a drill, I bolt to the closest exit. It was such a dose of reality that now I am responsible for all these teeny lives. Corrall my kids and get them out the door first, then get myself out. Conferences, fire drills… I am a real teacher!

I can’t remember if I have mentioned this to my dear readers yet, but there is an unspoken hierarchy here that is strictly adhered to. The kids and teachers ALWAYS address the pincipal, then assisant principal, then me, then Mandarin teacher, then Chinese teachers, then the sumsums (wonderwomen who cook, cleane, change diapers, decorate) [so like Mom?] when greeting parents and kids at the door. Even if the kid looks at me as he is walking in, his head whips to the people “above” me to say hello to first. Or if he sees another teacher and me, he will always say, “Good afternoon, Miss Sara”, before saying something to one of my coworkers. Just unusual and clearly there’s no afterthought from the tradition here.

That’s it for my school updates—on to bigger and better news bulletins. I was contacted by an alumni worker from Clemson who asked if I’d mentor a student interested in learning more about Chinese culture. Of course I said yes, and was absolutely thrilled to find out the student is actually living in Hong Kong this semester! I took her to dinner last night ands she’s adorable! What a small world this is, right?! Anyways, had a lovely time with Sarah and think she is meeting up with my friends tonight at the Solas reopening party! Should be fab.

Annnd tomorrow we will be celebrating Tripp’s birthday. How? By going to Thailand, of course!! What better gift than a trip to Bangkok for your 23rd right? (Except the Kindle, if you are me.) So postwork we are jumping on an Emirates plane to the Land of Smiles, hopefully to discover a new and wonderful country in a very quick weekend. Bringing the camera to share the excitement with you!

Safe weekends to yall! Love, SB

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